Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Will Election Day Unincumbent Anyone?

So, I skateboarded down to my local church to vote in the rec hall and I met three other actual voters other than the election day staff that were there. There is an open seat for me to pick a new rep in and gee I was so glad to be a part of the process. The one candidate's daughters were there, very nice and enthusiastic, but their day allegedly had not voted in very many elections in the last decade. The front runner had an older gal electioneering, but I heard she lived on the West Shore and only now back in the district for 8 months.

Anyway, I asked what their position on abortion was and naturally they were both pro-life, and I was like, I guess I dont have a choice.

But there were two other candidates and I picked one of them, and I would've worked for one of them, but they were both from the upper end of the district and I dont think serious contenders.

I wrote in the pig guy for my R Lt. Gov. candidate. Oh, BTW, I found a site where it lists celebrity campaign contributions and I found out that Gov. Wannabe Swann donated some funds to Sen. John Kerry back in the mid-90s and I'm like if I was a member of the crash team for Rendell, and I could be if so motivated by the Cheesesteak King, I would run a commercial on that one come the fall, just to twist the sword in deeper in case Swannie Sacrificial Lamb wants to run for Congress someday.

It's all about the coattails baby.

Go challengers! Sweep em out, but dont let the system corrupt you when you're in.


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