Sunday, July 23, 2006

Do you know who Joshua Bolten is?

How does the second term Casa Blanca chief of staff do the tap dance on Meet the Press under heavy pressure on all fronts? Iraq, and the number of civilian deaths at 100 last week, stem cell research on fertilized embryo = murder, wow, that's a tough task for anyone, even if Tony Snow calls killing a fertilized embryo murder...but for someone who is basically just on the job after certain staffers do their second term leaps back to the private sector after their public service...before it's too late and you get interminably linked to a flagging administration defined by partisanship and war, not just the death of war, but the spending of war...back into the deep red zone after being in the black briefly in the mid-90s. Oh the nostalgia of a fiscally conservative federal government...

sure, they give you a tax break, but then they spend $500 million a day killing arabs, further fueling the good will toward America in the Middle East.

Now, they talk of Hezbollah as a proxy war vs. Iran. Let's not even go there. We need to weasel out of the wars we are in first. Before the Empire crumbles.

When following up Bolten, you have the guy on who wrote the book on the war called Fiasco to find out why the title was chosen. Saying probably it's one of the worst war plans ever...90 percent of the time on 10 percent of the to get to Baghdad...

Now, the only question is how do you get out?


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