Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Another Defeated Incumbent

So, the result is in and the polls were right. Lieberman is not CT's loverman any more. The guy got beat, and like so many, like a stubborn Cool Hand Luke, he's gonna give it another go, get back up all bloodied and bruised and risking the seat to a CT GOP? Seems unlikely, but he got drained and needs to go away and admit it, but that's just my humble. But he didn't and he won't most likely.

So Dean has a new D to tout, whichever Dean it is, to send to Congress unless Lieberman pulls a Lebanon and goes medieval on some foreign city that is threatening his existence, i.e. Washington as opposed to Beirut...

Support for our war is support for that war, so we are just the warring tribes...

How about we just admit we made a mistake, that we shouldn't have got this involved in the foreign affairs of a majot middle easetern nation in such a crucial location, without a plan of retreat...or exit strategy if they call it.

I guess, when you think of it, Lieberman had to be pro-war on Arabs being his Jewish that's fine, but the electorate is still allowed to turn him out of office for the guy named not him, which is what PA did in May, and what they might do to Ick Santorum in November...How many more will we show the door? If they work and are for something, so much the better, but it is not an easy job, this politicking, but it's been made easiey if your name isn't Rep. or Sen. Incumbent.


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