Monday, August 14, 2006

Out of the loop

So, the insects are humming and we have a bit of respite here or do we really? The calm before the storm? Santorum is up on teevee in the fuzzy wuzzy series of ads, he's still the guy for Social Security, even though he tried to 'reform it' i.e. save the government money.

To spend on some other government largesse, like a tax cut during a war. Well anyway, seen hide nor hair of Casey, or is it hare to the running 'toitle,' which anagrams into toilet, like the old Bugs Bunny cartoons, But I'm the toitle, you're the rabbit, toitle, rabbit...the mod bunnies preventing the front-running and lazy incumbent shall we say for the slow and steady whatever, but aren't they really a bit the same animal to begin with, like the fact that Liebermam might get endorsed by state Republicans in CT and is polling a plurality of 46 to the R's last place 9 percent, but that's NewEngland for you I suppose, the other D with what a win and 41 percent? Dont quote me on the numbers it's approximate on memory, but withint the presumed margin of error.

So regionally, how does this bode for us, well who knows in this climate, both the temperate summer clime and the adversarial taking a break poliical atmosphere.

It's all a wild card, like churning new earth and wondering what kind of tomatoes will grow.

So you do your part in the quiet times, pumping out paper with someone's name and message on it and you subsist on the crumbs of the system, as the fertilizer? But how would that red raspberry bush grow without the guano of the bird that eats and spreads its seed, with its own nourishment?


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