Monday, April 30, 2007

Deputy Press Sect my Arse

The Majority Leader's Press Office, aka No Political Hacks Left Behind, founded by that slimebucket himself, Elmer Archer, lord of the black red and yellow political mailer, the attack ad and the robocall from the candidate you dont support, but in their name and after bedtime. He and his six wet 'hind the ears cronies who have titles much more lofty than communications specialist or public relations coordinator, yet have all the skills of neophytes whose snoz smells like arse. The Situation is thus: Generic Candidate R is defeated handily by Generic Candidate D in recent polls and that is not changing, the stale taste of the past still thick on the palate, so we must have more PR; we must have more press conferences on ideas whose time will never come, we must have a concerted strategy, we must have a plan, 'we cannot just be against something' goes the rallying cry, the opposition decrying this plan and that plan of this Hizoner and that Rep. We can no longer sit idly by while the powers that be become the powers that pendulum to were were we stump and we pretend that we have relevance, and we hold more pressers that less writers write about. But still, nothing has been done by either party except reformed rules and promises of autism funding and promises of a budget bill as a starting point, yet no legislation passing. and yet we have common sense testimony from Texax where 20 some million seem to get along fine with a part-time General Assembly, while ours in PA costs hundreds of millions and pays my salary, which I come to believe I no longer want. Let them pay a wet hind ears instead and in exchange get no legislative memory and more gaffes because of youngins that can't write there way out of the plastic nonbiodegradable bags.


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