So this is tax reform?
Did we really think that taxpayers were going to vote themselves a tax increase? Not even the elderly who would benefit understood what they were voting on. Maybe the questions should have said do you want renters and rich people to pay more so that poor older folks and lower income homeowners can pay less property tax. Nine, or four depending on what media you believe. Either way it's less than a quarter of a percent of the 498 school districts. I don't hear the peeps in the hoods clamoring for a tax increase even if it is going to reult in some sort of giveback. Might as well vote for Teflon Ed's Sales Tax Increase and get some good government programs with your tax cuts? You think this isn't a bellwhether for a tough budget year. At least the media didn't give Eddie a pass on this one, he's connected to it by his quotes, but he's a lame duck. I think he's weakened politically, if not in the public, then at least in the behind the scenes negotiations. Nine statewide. One by one vote that will probably switch on a recount like the one seat that gave the Ds the majority did. Some injit in the southeast is saying vote the bums out of office that voted for it. I think they all did. It was that or nothing, we have no cajones to make the tough votes, so we punt to the voters who have even fewer cajones, but their vote isn't recorded, and they are not held accountable for it every 2-4 years. Their job does not depend on a vote, as Mike Veon's did, as Jubelirer's and Brightbill's did, and countless other incumbent losses did. Pig headedness in the face of skapegoats yields back to square one.
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