Friday, November 10, 2006

50 New Members

So, I've analyzed the latest election, 24 new House GOP in PA and 26 new Dems. The typical low number of women...but...

There are reform oriented individuals that better be making good on their campaign promises. You cant promise crime, tax reform and education, too commone. How about the environment or an ousting of the powers that were.

For ever arrogance, a debt is paid...the Republicans paid for scandal and war with a mid-term gift to Pelosi, who is talking centrist, who is talking ideas, healing...for every arrogance there is a Brightbill and a Veon...

Who is going to lead, of these new and old reformers. The Manderinos and the Steils, the Vitalis and the can you possible not require someone to fall on their sword...afte the top down ticket splitting hari kari that we all just witnessed...I saw it live on the streets of Spring Garden 1, people so disenchanted with the status quo that they touch screened the monitors of change on the new machines and no recounts to speak of. The powers that be are the powers that were...the voters have spoken for a middle way

The party of compromise right there in the middle of the to each other, institute some ideas of reform, and for god's sake while you govern, govern long enough not to reign so long that the only logical conclusion is partisanship and war, rhetoric and scandal.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Stale is as Stale Does

Yeah, this place has been stale for a time and maybe it's because I have been consumed in the process. the process of doing what is legal as an employee of the government to get the incumbency protection racket in full swing. Millions are being spent statewide to preserve the legislative careers of such gemstone quality personalities as Rep. Tom Gannon (who looks like the original Star Trek character who played the futuristic version of Jack the Ripper, who fed on fear)...Gene McGill, who has attempted to employ the sluttiest notalents in the secretary pool as window dressing at his Harrisburg he's written a letter in support of a political ally who happens to be associated or is a pedophile or sex least he didn't defend him as part of his job as Gannon's opponent has been accused of in teevee commercials (since when have local House candidates been able to afford to go up on teevee - since the lobbyists and PACs gave all the money and since PerzelPAC is giving its money to its friends so he can cling one more two-year session to the speakership, as if he has wild aspirations that the Pennsylvania electorate would see fit to elevate him to governor.

Um, yeah, good luck with that. And good luck flipping eight seats...which is what the Ds have to do in the state House. Good Pete DeCoursey article Monday. gonna be tracking his picks, which were some of my picks and some of the concensus picks.

So the hot seats are in the southeast and Pittsburgh area...well, duh. Pick me the unobvious ones. Where's that long-term Dem or Rep seat that is now open that is gonna flip to the other party unexpectedly...haven't the Rs flipped all of those already?

and we are getting really close to that big old part reapportionment...ok, so we get through this election in a weekm results scrolling across the bottom of the screen from the entire country. The NEXT election...will feature the next president and the last holders of the old seats, with control of the legislature and the Legislative Reappotionment Commission at statke as's unlikely the Senate will be D by then in all honesty, they might pick a seat or two off here from this high water mark of 30, now 29-21.

But the 2009-2010 elections will determine how the seats are drawn for the next decade. You've seen the Perzel salamander weaving through all the possible white Republican suburbs of Philly? How many of those things do we want?

Anyway, so we got the districts we got, and we have the candidatew we have at least for another 6 days...the next big thing then is the leasdership elections in November. Those should be interesting with so many new faces in leadership and all the behind the scenes jockeying that is going on, including the traditional pre-election palm exchanges, campaign funds and WAMs for the newbies if they come on board with the old regime instead of backing some new regime, a conservative faction, or some reform coalition...

We shall see who wins this effort, but my money (if I had any nickels to rub together) is on the money. The money always seems to win...but 2006 gives reformers hope, but they must realize that there are real issues out there: we still dont have tax reform...we're going to be getting gambling and all of the social ills that entails, we still have education issues to deal with to comply with no child left behind...not to mention autism and special education issues...

all for now, gotta go to work for these guys.