Monday, August 14, 2006

Out of the loop

So, the insects are humming and we have a bit of respite here or do we really? The calm before the storm? Santorum is up on teevee in the fuzzy wuzzy series of ads, he's still the guy for Social Security, even though he tried to 'reform it' i.e. save the government money.

To spend on some other government largesse, like a tax cut during a war. Well anyway, seen hide nor hair of Casey, or is it hare to the running 'toitle,' which anagrams into toilet, like the old Bugs Bunny cartoons, But I'm the toitle, you're the rabbit, toitle, rabbit...the mod bunnies preventing the front-running and lazy incumbent shall we say for the slow and steady whatever, but aren't they really a bit the same animal to begin with, like the fact that Liebermam might get endorsed by state Republicans in CT and is polling a plurality of 46 to the R's last place 9 percent, but that's NewEngland for you I suppose, the other D with what a win and 41 percent? Dont quote me on the numbers it's approximate on memory, but withint the presumed margin of error.

So regionally, how does this bode for us, well who knows in this climate, both the temperate summer clime and the adversarial taking a break poliical atmosphere.

It's all a wild card, like churning new earth and wondering what kind of tomatoes will grow.

So you do your part in the quiet times, pumping out paper with someone's name and message on it and you subsist on the crumbs of the system, as the fertilizer? But how would that red raspberry bush grow without the guano of the bird that eats and spreads its seed, with its own nourishment?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Another Defeated Incumbent

So, the result is in and the polls were right. Lieberman is not CT's loverman any more. The guy got beat, and like so many, like a stubborn Cool Hand Luke, he's gonna give it another go, get back up all bloodied and bruised and risking the seat to a CT GOP? Seems unlikely, but he got drained and needs to go away and admit it, but that's just my humble. But he didn't and he won't most likely.

So Dean has a new D to tout, whichever Dean it is, to send to Congress unless Lieberman pulls a Lebanon and goes medieval on some foreign city that is threatening his existence, i.e. Washington as opposed to Beirut...

Support for our war is support for that war, so we are just the warring tribes...

How about we just admit we made a mistake, that we shouldn't have got this involved in the foreign affairs of a majot middle easetern nation in such a crucial location, without a plan of retreat...or exit strategy if they call it.

I guess, when you think of it, Lieberman had to be pro-war on Arabs being his Jewish that's fine, but the electorate is still allowed to turn him out of office for the guy named not him, which is what PA did in May, and what they might do to Ick Santorum in November...How many more will we show the door? If they work and are for something, so much the better, but it is not an easy job, this politicking, but it's been made easiey if your name isn't Rep. or Sen. Incumbent.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Primary in CT

So Jim Dean, brother of DNC chairman Howard Dean, the former governor of Vermont and noted primal screamer (apparently it is not sane to scream primally and we cant have liberal screamers in office, unless it's in the Lincoln Bedroom) is on teevee talking at length on why his guy, Ned Lamont, a self-financed candidate with alleged ties to Mellon fortunes or some such, though there is nothing about family money on his Web site, though he does brag that he founded a cable business in the first graf...

Anyway, Jim Dean is the spitting image of his brother, just lighter, and premably more orally controlled, though his rough voice makes him sound like a screamer, or a smoker anyway. Gravelly, experience, and Lieberman has lost a Quinnipac 50 point lead since February, to be behind 54-45 in August. This is still time for a turnaround, but they have the pin kiss where Bush pecked Joe at a public function, and now it is a Lamont pin, connecting him to the prez, with whom he agrees more often than not politically.

Chairing his bro's Democracy for America is a pretty tight connection the national money. But hey, the bro is not endorsing anyone...and to dodge a Q his bro Jimmy Boy says, he's not the sharpest tack in the box, yeah, that's why he's running his brother's national organization...

How does this relate to PA? Another new Democrat in the Senate? What's Quinnipac saying lately about Santorum v. Casey? How much more liberal really is Casey that Lieberman. Think about it?

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Religious Walker

It takes a real athlete with the feet to walk the doors on a day like today. 95 degrees in the shade. 100 degrees in the hot. A slight wind chill. But here I am walking my doors through the suburban forests in my district's neighborhoods. This is what all politicians should be doing on a perfectly humid August Day. On the beach in th elap of luxury, ok, you work hard, take a break. But make sure while you take that break that you look good in your bathing suit.

When last we spoke we were out west and Driven, who is walking his district and looking 35 pounds lighter from his playing weight back behind Jeff Blake at East Carolina back when they had a program, and lifting again to because as you loose weight, you lose need to build back muscle. So you get a new portrait made and make sure people know you didn't photoshp yourself beautiful a la catherine caker knoll or did she attend the charo and joan rivers school of home easy bake oven plasty.

Anyway, the weigh loss is not in the head, but in the entire length of tallness of body, so it cant really be photoshopped accurately even by the best false foto concocters.

Unless weekness of the head is a legislative condition that occassionally crops up and then has to be remedied by gritty PR work, that mostly is ignored by a legitimately good muckraking media.

But the media also needs to pay attention to what is right with the system for there is some good out there, just like Luke Skywalker foound some good in Darth Vader. It's the system we have, so we better make it work better, and some of those in the system do help make it work better, both staffers and members and leadership.

The powers that be get to be the way they get over the cycle of time, and evert once in a while there is a little adjustment to the system and everyone feels better about themselves, and then thing slowly revert to the way they were.

We cant let that happen if we are to truly save the system. Baby out with bathwater, love of politics out with the loving of it to death. Remember that anyone who gets elected has a new firs name, Member, and that they need to watch that they do not become a part of the system. There's a $26 billion pot out there of state money to dole out and its not getting any smaller at closer to 6 percent growth this year.

So that is a tantylizing pool of money for inexperience pols, not just once they get here, but from all the feeders out there, the lobbyists, the PACs, the HDCC and HRCC and SDCC and SRSS organizations that direct money skillfully like a horse handicapper allocating the days bets on a likely stable of horses...

But the number of horse races and fillies and mares and stablejockeys at the tracks from all over the spectrum and you've got yourseld some pains in the pockets.

Well, fortunately we have three months to play.

Anyway, sweat equity will win you a seat, and lose you a few pounds especially if you have a wife who cooks well for you. So back from the shore, get back to work, before labor day, the labor must begin.